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The International Legal Research Group on Law & Sustainability

An International Legal Research Group is a comparative research project in which students and young lawyers across ELSA’s 43 member countries carry out research on a specified topic in order to make their findings publicly available in a report. ELSA’s International LRGs are professionally typeset and published and peer-reviewed by the Academic Board. The focus of the upcoming ILRG is “Law & Sustainability”. The purpose of the ILRG is to identify the legal tools that can be found across Europe to accommodate sustainable transitions, and what role these tools play in regard to human rights, economy and climate justice, for example. Based on the research, policy recommendations will be drafted, and the report will be sent to major decision-makers with whom ELSA frequently collaborates, such as the Council of Europe and the United Nations.


The ILRG is part of one of ELSA’s campaigns, being the International Focus Programme on Law and Sustainability.


The ILRG is supervised by experts in the field and will be professionally typeset and published thus providing an opportunity to be cited by other students and professionals.


National Research Groups

Within the National Research Groups, there are positions for:

i. National Researchers who conduct the research

ii. Technical Editors who edit footnotes, style etc.

iii. Linguistic Editors who proofread the reports and ensure the uniform use of nomenclature.

After the application phase, the National Coordinator selects their team.

National Coordinators and Academic Board

National Coordinators are responsible for the overall coordination of the research in a respective country. The National Coordinator is in charge of communication between the National Research Groups and the International Coordination Team.

The National Research Group will be supervised by the National Academic Board (member) consisting of legal practitioners and/or academics who are experts in the field.

International Coordination Team

The International Coordination Team coordinates the research among the participating countries, facilitates communication with the Academic Board and ensures the uniform and professional outlook of the Final Report.

Academic Board

The Academic Board of the International Legal Research Group develops the Academic Framework of the research and provides substantive feedback to the National Research Groups.


National Coordinator

As National Coordinator, you work with the National Research Team and the International Board. You are in charge of the National coordination and guidance of the ILRG, leading up to the compilation of the Final Report.

National Researcher

As a National Researcher, you take the lead in the research in your country. Together with the other Researchers you will compile a collective and homogeneous report, which will be compiled in the Final Report.

Linguistic Editor

As Linguistic Editor, you assist  researchers with the proper use of citations and plain legal English, following the Language Manual and ensuring the correct use of language in the Final Report.

Technical Editor

As Technical Editor, you ensure compliance with the Style Guide and review the drafts of the report, introducing technical corrections if necessary.