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Final Report - Labour Law (OSHL)
Final Report on Labour Law
Occupational Safety and Health Legislation

Coordinated by: Bruno Filipe Lima Monteiro, Marilena Zidianaki, Sofia Lovisa Linder, Kerli Kalk, Jakub Čája and Antonia Markoviti


Countries Involved: Albania, Croatia, Cyprus, Ireland, Latvia, Norway, the Netherlands


Published: June 2017


Length: 522 pages


The Final Report on Labour Law (OSHL) is the output document of the International Legal Research Group on Labour Law organised by ELSA International in cooperation with the International Labour Organisation (ILO). The cooperation derived from a need to expand the Global Database on Occupational Safety and Health Legislation (LEGOSH) to cover information about missing national legislative requirements in Europe. Based on the Academic Framework drafted by ILO, 7 ELSA National Groups analysed their national Occupational Safety and Health Legislation and thereby contributed to the Final Report.